
Serialization formats

Scholarly metadata use several serialization formats. Some formats such as bibtex, ris (defined in the 1980s) and anvl require a dedicated parser, something that should be avoided. xml is mainly used by DOI registration agencies, and parsing is more time-consuming and complex compared to metadata using json. json-ld combines the strengths and weaknesses of xml and json (e.g. namespaces, but also added complexity). yaml (used by cff) is a superset of json and is easier to write for humans, but slower than json and not widely used for network calls, but rather for local files. tomlis an alternative to yaml, but I haven’t seen it used for scholarly metadata.

In summary, json is the preferred serialization format for scholarly metadata, and is widely used for that, in particular in REST APIs. xml is mainly used for historical reasons, mainly for DOI registration (although DataCite has depreciated this in favor of JSON).

Type Safety

The scholarly metadata formats take various approaches to what data type (e.g. string vs. integer, or list/array vs. dict/object/hash) they expect for a given field. Some are more flexible, in particular JSON-LD, but that flexibility comes at a price in form of parsing overhead and breaking tools. A related issue is the handling of None/null/nil which adds flexibility for optional metadata fields but again adds overhead. Type safety can facilitate metadata parsing and is increasingly adopted in dynamic languages such as Javascript, Python and Ruby, so commonmeta will support it in its JSON Schema.

Legacy of Dublin Core

Dublin Core (and the formats heavily innfluenced by it such as datacite and have had an important influence on scholarly metadata. Unfortunately some decisions made more than 25 years ago haven’t worked so well, and some of the newer metadata formats have made different decisions. Of course all metadata formats sometimes made decisions that in hindsight didn’t work so well (e.g. date-parts in CSL-JSON or type PostedContent in Crossref), so this is more a sign of the strong influence Dublin Core had on the development of scholarly metadata, and the goal of being generic sometimes making specific things harder.

One example is metadata only required for some resource types and therefore not part of Dublin Core, e.g. page numbers, or journal name and issn. This requires complex workarounds or leads to incomplete metadata you see when you for example want to express DataCite DOI metadata in a formatted citation. Another example (which you see predominantly with DataCite) is to lump all related resources together, in this case using relatedIdentifier and relationType, and since 2021 also relatedItem. This makes the easy difficult, in this case listing all the references used in a resource, some of them using a DOI, some of them only having metadata.

Author Names

Author names is a major topic of complixity in scholarly metadata. Authors can be people or organizations, and for people separate given and family names are needed for some scholarly metadata, e.g bibtex or citations. Metadata from formats that only provide a single name field for authors therefore need to be processed, and this can be tricky (e.g. as the name for a person can be either family, given or given family). Commonmeta (just like Crossref and CSL-JSON) uses givenName and familyName for personal names, name for organizations, and type (which can be either Person or Organization) to distinguish between the two.


Dates are another major topic of complexity in scholarly metadata. Scholarly resources can have multiple dates associated with them (e.g. submission_date, acceptance_date and publication_date), and each date can be expressed with different levels of granularity (e.g. year-month-day, year-month, or year). Then there are dates of different granularity (e.g. Summer 2017), approximate dates, and date ranges. Extended Date and Time Format (EDTF) and the underlying ISO8601 is the community standard to cover these various dates and times, but is only partially supported by most metadata standards and tools. crossref and CSL-JSON use date-parts to define partial dates and date ranges.

Resource Types

Describing the type of scholarly resource is important, but unfortunately many vocabularies exist. As they all have their strenghts and weaknesses and no existing vocabulary handles all resource types encountered in commonmeta, commometa is building an internal vocabulary to support as many mappings as possible.


Versioning has historically not been much of an issue with text publications, where at most we had a handful of versions that could be sorted chronologically and one current version. With datasets and software this was always different with easily hundreds of versions that sometimes have a complex relationship to each other. This kind of versioning is best described by hasVersion and isVersionOf relationships, and more work is needed for commonmeta to address this. This topic is also relevant for preprints, where preprint and journal article are published in different places and the relationship is not generated automatically.

Collections and Parts

Again a topic historically not much of an issue with text publications. Besides the obvious: books can have chapters (possibly with different authors), and journals have issues which in turn have articles. Again this topic is much more complicated with datasets or software, where the decision for how to split up the data or code is almost arbitrary. Something commonmeta needs to support.